Highway access update

Highway Access Information

The provincial government has clearly indicated that a TOLL on to Highway 19 at a Corcan\Nahmint Interchange will NOT be approved.

The provincial government has clearly indicated that they WILL NOT PAY for a Corcan\Nahmint Interchange on to Highway 19.

100,000 cars per day travel the Patricia Bay Highway interchange at Sayward Road in Victoria. Sayward Rd has multiple crashes and deaths. The Ministry of Transport has approved $3,000,000 to upgrade the Patricia Bay Highway interchange at Sayward Road in Victoria.

We have 1,700 vehicles using Corcan Road daily. Key considerations for NOT financing are traffic volume and crash statistics.

The proposed interchange at Corcan\Nahmint MAY BE funded with property taxes, grants or donations and fund raising.

The Ministry of Transport HAVE AGREED to approve a plan that is implemented in stages, if we cannot pay for all 4 ramps at once.

Step 1: The CMRA board members will get a consensus from CMRA residence as to the viability of proceeding with the plans for the Interchange.

Step 2: If a positive consensus is obtained. The CMRA will hire a professional engineering firm to design a plan for an interchange and include cost estimates. This plan must then be approved by the Ministry of Transportation before anything further is done.

Step 3: Hold a referendum with all landowners from Baylis road and highway 19A to the top of Little Qualicum River Village to determine level of support for an on and off Ramp to and from Nanaimo (STAGE 1).

Step 4: If there is a referendum vote in favor of building an interchange, bids will be taken for the construction.

Step 5: Once stage 1 is paid for then CMRA will get a consensus to proceed or not with a second referendum for on and off to and from Courtenay ( Stage 2).

Our goal is to keep residents in the know at every step of the way; we have done 2 polls indicating that the majority of the residents who completed CMRA surveys are in favour of highway access.

Links below are those polls,

October 2010
June 2011 https://www.meadowoodresidents.com/?p=895

We have also done estimates to demonstrate the costs of driving with or without an interchange.
Below are the fuel and maintenance figures reported in Feb 2011 Please note when they were first done in September 2010 the gas estimates were at $1.10 a litre.

Official Corcan Meadowood Residents Association info.is available on our website or at our annual general meetings.

Please attend the AGM at Lighthouse Community Hall in Qualicum Bay on October 21 Sunday at 10:00 am Pancake breakfast and Association registration will begin at 0800. Our silent auction will start at 08:30.
Please join us.

Elaine Peligren, President

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